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Date: 1700

"Not as an absolute Lord and Master, with an Arbitrary and Tyrannical sway, but as Reason Governs and Conducts a Man, by proposing what is Just and Fit."

— Astell, Mary (1666–1731)

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Date: 1700

"Oh! all ye Powers that virtuous Love inspire, / Assist me now: inform my Vocal Organs / With Angel Eloquence, such as can melt / His Heart of Flint, and move his former Kindness."

— Centlivre [née Freeman; other married name Carroll], Susanna (bap. 1669?, d. 1723)

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Date: 1700

"What Heart of Steel / Could ere resist such Beauty drest in Tears?"

— Centlivre [née Freeman; other married name Carroll], Susanna (bap. 1669?, d. 1723)

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Date: 1700

"Haste then, my Friend, to drive / That Cloud of Sorrow which o'recasts her Mind, / And, like the Sun, dispel her gloomy Thoughts."

— Centlivre [née Freeman; other married name Carroll], Susanna (bap. 1669?, d. 1723)

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Date: 1700

"This very Morning I'll prepare for Turin, / Where Time and Absence will deface the Image / Of that bewitching Beauty, which how haunts / My tortur'd Mind."

— Centlivre [née Freeman; other married name Carroll], Susanna (bap. 1669?, d. 1723)

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Date: 1700

"Tho' I'm convinc'd she lov'd me not, I can't / Banish her Image from my Love-sick mind."

— Centlivre [née Freeman; other married name Carroll], Susanna (bap. 1669?, d. 1723)

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Date: 1701

"Search all the close recesses of the mind, / And leave no vice, no ruling passion there, / Nothing to raise a blush, or cause a fear; / Their memories with solid notions fill, / And let their reason dictate to their will."

— Chudleigh [née Lee], Mary, Lady Chudleigh (bap. 1656, d. 1710)

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Date: 1701

One may "as on the Throne, so in [her] Peoples Hearts / Reign Emperour"

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1701

"Here, take me Mother, Father, Wife, take each a part in my Capacious Heart; Reign ever there, as absolute as I o're all my mighty Empires"

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1702

"In the meantime there can be but two ways of knowing that Veracity is a Perfection, either it is an innate Principle, originally Imprinted on the Mind, (which I shall not endeavour to confute, Mr. Lock having done it sufficiently, nor is it needful to my Purpose)."

— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.