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Date: 1719-1720, 1725

"It was plain that the Passion with which Ciamara was animated, sprung not from this last Source; she had seen the charming Count, was taken with his Beauty, and wish'd no farther than to possess his lovely Person, his Mind was the least of her Thoughts, for had she the least Ambition to reign th...

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1719-1720, 1725

"Oh Heaven! cry'd the transported Charlotta, all you have done, or even can do of Unkindness, is by one tender Word made full amends for; see at your Feet (continued she, falling on her Knees) thus in this humble Posture, which best becomes my prostrate Soul, I beg you to accept the Pardon which ...

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1723

In one's Garret-Closet one's Muse may "take Possession": "Poetry being one of those subtle Devils, that if driven out by never so many firm Purposes, good Resolutions, Aversion to that Poverty it intails upon its Adherents; yet it will always return and find a Passage to the Heart, Brain, ...

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"Cease, prithee, Muse, thus to infest / The barren Region of my Breast, / Which never can an Harvest yield, / Since Weeds of Noise o'er-run the Field."

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"Covetousness we may truly call, The Dropsie of the Mind, it being an insatiable Thirst of Gain"

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"Your Letter has so ruffled my whole Interior, that I know not how to write common Sense."

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

Her Muse may "And with thy Spells driv'st Griefs away,
Which else wou'd make my Heart their Prey"

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"Thou'rt to my Mind so very good, / Its Consolation, Physick, Food."

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"Then, gentle Muse, be still my Guest; / Take full Possession of my Breast."

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"When Friends Advice with Lovers Forces joyn, / They conquer Hearts more fortified than mine."

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.