Date: 1741
"What an unknown and unspeakable Happiness would it be to a Man of Judgment, and who is engaged in the Pursuit of Knowledge, if he had but a Power of stamping all his own best Sentiments upon his Memory in some indelible Characters; and if he could but imprint every valuable Paragraph and Sentime...
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1741
"So for Instance, in Children; they perceive and forget a hundred Things in an Hour; the Brain is so soft that it receives immediately all Impressions like Water or liquid Mud, and retains scarce any of them: All the Traces, Forms or Images which are drawn there, are immediately effaced or closed...
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1741
"But Words and Things which he lately spoke or did, they are immediately forgot, because the Brain is now grown more dry and solid in its Consistence, and receives not much more impression than if you wrote with your Finger on a Floor of Clay, or a plaister'd Wall."
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1741
"Maronides had got the first hundred Lines of Virgil's 'Æneis' printed upon his Memory so perfectly, that he knew not only the Order and Number of every Verse from one to a hundred in Perfection, but the Order and Number of every Word in each Verse also."
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1741
"Let every thing we desire to remember be fairly and distinctly written and divided into Periods, with large Characters in the Beginning; for by this Means we shall the more readily imprint the Matter and Words on our Minds, and recollect them with a Glance, the more remarkable the Writi...
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1744
"Read and revere the sacred page; a page / Where triumphs Immortality; a page / Which not the whole creation could produce; / Which not the conflagration shall destroy; / In Nature's ruins not one letter lost: / 'Tis printed in the minds of gods for ever."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: 1748
"But should some swain more skillful than the rest, / his name on this cold marble breast, / Not rolling ages could deface that name."
preview | full record— Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley [née Lady Mary Pierrepont] (1689-1762)
Date: Tuesday, August 7, 1750
"But the images which memory presents are of a stubborn and untractable nature, the objects of remembrance have already existed, and left their signature behind them impressed upon the mind, so as to defy all attempts of rasure or of change."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: February 4, 1752
"My parents, though otherwise not great philosophers, knew the force of early education, and took care that the blank of my understanding should be filled with impressions of the value of money."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1755
"Though God has given us no innate ideas of himself, though he has stampt no original characters on our minds, wherein we may read his being; yet having furnished us with those faculties our minds are endowed with, he hath not left himself without witness."
preview | full record— Locke [from Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language]