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Date: 1598

"Thou hid'st a thousand daggers in thy thoughts, / Whom thou hast whetted on thy stony heart / To stab at half an hour of my life."

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"Sorrow so royally in you appears / That I will deeply put the fashion on, / And wear it in my heart."

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"[B]ut, for their spirits and souls, / This word 'rebellion', it had froze them up, / As fish are in a pond"

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"Never / a man's thought in the world keeps the roadway better / than thine"

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"But let one spirit of the first-born Cain / Reign in all bosoms, that each heart being set / On bloody courses, the rude scene may end, / And darkness be the burier of the dead!"

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"And our supplies live largely in the hope / Of great Northumberland, whose bosom burns / With an incensèd fire of injuries."

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"'Tis with my mind / As with the tide swelled up unto his height, / That makes a still stand, running neither way."

— Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)

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Date: 1598

"Therefore even as an index to a book, / So to his mind was young Leander's look."

— Marlowe, Christopher (bap. 1564, d. 1593)

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Date: 1599

"When a seal in Wax Impression makes..."

— Davies, Sir John (bap. 1569, d. 1626)

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Date: 1599

The "Soule hath power to know all things, / Yet is she blind and ignorant in all"

— Davies, Sir John (bap. 1569, d. 1626)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.