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Date: 1806

"The savage cheek / Smiles at the potent spoiler; braves his frown; / And while the partial gloom is most opake, / Still vaunts the mind unfetter'd!"

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1806

"The savage cheek / Smiles at the potent spoiler; braves his frown; / And while the partial gloom is most opake, / Still vaunts the mind unfetter'd!"

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1806

"Thy pure flame / Would light the sense opake, and warm the spring / Of boundless ecstacy; while nature's laws / So violated, plead, immortal-tongu'd, / For her dark-fated children; lead them forth / From bondage infamous!"

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1806

"Our bodies are like shoes, which off we cast; / Physic their cobler is, and death their last."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1797, 1806

"Nor when the bosom's wasted fires / Are all extinct, is anguish o'er; / For jealousy, which ne'er expires, / Can wound--when passion is no more."

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1806

"Thoughts spring up like plants in hot-house, / Every time the news are read."

— MacNeill, Hector (1746-1818)

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Date: October 1807

"A soul [may be] defiled with every stain / That man's reflecting mind can pain."

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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Date: October 1807

Pride, wrong, rage, despair, can make may nearly touch the brain, "And reason on her throne would shake"

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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Date: 1807

"Yes, 't is too late,--now Reason guides / The mind, sole judge in all debate."

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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Date: 1807

"Tyrants have wept; and those with hearts of steel, / Unused the anguish of the heart to heal"

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.