Date: 1780
Virtue and "this virtues woman" may be "first ruling passions"
preview | full record— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)
Date: 1780
"Reason's empire never knew a slave, / Her sway is gentle and her laws are kind"
preview | full record— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)
Date: 1780
Reason's subjects work and return home with "treasures fraught" and display before their queen their "shining spoils, which are laid up in "mental stores."
preview | full record— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)
Date: 1780
"Those mental stores shall cheer the wintery hours, / And flowers unfading breathe their sweets at home.// Extracting food amid the vernal bloom, / So flies the industrious bee around the vale, / With native skill she forms the waxen comb, / To keep for wintery days the rich regale."
preview | full record— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)