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Date: 1700

"God has placed a Natural light, as a Candle in our Hearts; and His Supernatural light does Influence and Direct it."

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

"Solomon says, Prov. xx. 27. The Spirit of man is the Candle of the Lord, searching all the Inward Parts."

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

"For (says he) Man can no more be a Light to his Mind than he is to his Body: And thence infers, that as the Eye has no Light in it self, so neither the Understanding."

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

"He makes our Nature and Minds wholly Dark of themselves, only succeptible of Super-natural light, when sent into our Understanding."

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

" I will not take advantage of the Philosophy of this; for, I suppose his meaning to be, that it is Natural to the Understanding to Receive a Light that is infused into it, as for the Eye to see by an Extraneous light; that is, it is an Organ fitted to Receive Light, tho' it has none in it self; ...

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1700

"And so, tho they have Reason, yet are they not Reasonable, because that Reason is none of their own, only as Gifted, that is, Accidental, but not Natural to them; and so they can no more be called Rational, than a Bag can be called Rich, that has Money in it."

— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)

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Date: 1704

"Fetch me, said she, a mighty Bowl, / Like Oberon's capacious Soul."

— King, William (1663-1712)

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Date: 1707

"Lest any understand what I have said a few Pages hence as if I wholly denied common Innate Principles, observe, That it is only actual Connate Knowledge that I deny, and in respect to which I say that the Soul is rasa tabula; but I confess a Natural Passive power for the knowing of them a...

— Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)

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Date: 1707

"Let others on the Senses Surface play, / And purchase fleeting Honours of a Day; / Your Empire's lasting, for the Mind's your Throne, / And ev'ry Hour you gain upon Renown."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1708

"You know, Lavinia, once I lov'd you well; / Nor has your Crimes yet chang'd my Heart to Steel."

— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.