Date: February 18, 2017
"So we're stuck in Trump's head with him. ... It's a very cluttered place to be, a fine-tuned machine spewing a torrent of chaos, cruelty, confusion, farce and transfixing craziness."
preview | full record— Dowd, Maureen (b. January 14, 1952)
Date: February 18, 2017
"Then think of the president's skull, which is stuffed with other humours: insecurity, insincerity, victimhood, paranoia, mockery, self-delusion, suspicion, calculation, illogic, vindictiveness, risk, bullying, alimentiveness, approbativeness, vitativeness. Gall, divided into three parts."
preview | full record— Dowd, Maureen (b. January 14, 1952)
Date: May 4, 2018
"And other minds are finally less opaque."
preview | full record— Druckerman, Pamela (b. 1970)
Date: September 5, 2018
"Chief among this novel’s pleasures is viewing the nation -- its landscapes, its people, its curdled politics, its increasingly feudal inequalities -- through the vibrant filters of Gary Shteyngart’s Hipstamatic mind."
preview | full record— Miles, Jonathan