Date: 1667; 2nd ed. in 1674
"So from the root / Springs lighter the green stalk, from thence the leaves / More aerie, last the bright consummate floure / Spirits odorous breathes: flours and thir fruit / Mans nourishment, by gradual scale sublim'd / To vital Spirits aspire, to animal, / To intellectual, give both life and s...
preview | full record— Milton, John (1608-1674)
Date: Jun 12, 1668; 1671
"'Tis so wild [Wildblood's heart], that the Lady who has it in her keeping, would be glad she were well rid on't: it does so flutter about the Cage. 'Tis a meer Bajazet; and if it be not let out the sooner, will beat out the brains against the Grates."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: Jun 12, 1668; 1671
"But is not your heart of the nature of those Birds that breed in one Countrie, and goe to winter in another?"
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1660, 1668
"Have you not seen an early-rising Lark / Spring from her Turf, making the Sun her mark, / Shooting her self aloft, yet higher, higher, / Till she had sung her self into Heaven's Quire? / Thus would he rise in Pray'r, and in a trice / His Soul become a Bird of Paradise."
preview | full record— Wild, Robert (1615/16-1679)
Date: 1669
"Eloquence is a painting of thought; and thus those who, after having painted it, add something more, make a picture instead of a portrait."
preview | full record— Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
Date: 1669, 1694
"I say this is a Spanker Madrigal, and newly minted in my Brain."
preview | full record— Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery (1621-1679)
Date: 1670
"Thus, like a captive in an isle confined, / Man walks at large, a prisoner of the mind."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1670
"Having to his great Wit added the ballast of Learning"
preview | full record— Walton, Izaak (1593-1683)
Date: 1670
Weakness of mind may be water-like or wax-like
preview | full record— Greville, Fulke, first Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court (1554-1628)
Date: 1671
"He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king is"
preview | full record— Milton, John (1608-1674)