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Date: 1659

"But this makes little to the clearing of the manner of their descent ... which cannot be better understood, then by considering their Union with the Body generated, or indeed with any kinde of Body whatever, where the Soul is held captive, and cannot quit her self thereof by the free imperium of...

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1659

"But no man can when he pleases pass out of his Body thus, by the Imperium of his Will, no more then he can walk in his Sleep: For this capacity is pressed down more deep into the lower life of the Soul, whither neither the Liberty of Will, nor free Imagination can reach."

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1659

"The Soul in her Aerial Vehicle is capable of Sense properly so called, and consequently of Pleasure and Pain."

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1659

"The Soul can neither impart to nor take away from the Matter of her Vehicle of Air any considerable degree of Motion, but yet can direct the particles moved which way she pleases by the Imperium of her Will."

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1659

"But the difficulty now is, whether that Humane shape that the Soul transforms her Vehicle into, be simply the effect of the Imperium of her Will over the Matter she actuates, or that her Will may be in some measure limited or circumscribed in its effect by a concomitant exertion of the Plastick ...

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1659

"Not that the Plastick virtue, awakened by the Imperium of her Will, shall renew all the lineaments it did in this Earthly Body (for abundance of them are useless and to no purpose, which therefore, Providence so ordaining, will be silent in this aiery figuration, and onely such operate as are fi...

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1659

"Which must therefore necessarily take place, in a far greater measure, in the other state; where our outward form is wholy framed from the inward Imperium of our Minde."

— More, Henry (1614-1687)

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Date: 1660

"Things that the least of drossy mixture hold, / Last longest; my Hearts flames Ætherial be, / More pure than seven times refined Gold / Than Cedar's flames: rays of a Deitie / They are."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1660

"A silent night inhabits my sad breast, / And now no chearful thought will be my guest."

— Pordage, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. c. 1691)

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Date: 1660, 1676

"According to S. Bernard, ... 'we shall be judged by that which is written in our own books,' (the books of conscience), 'and therefore they ought to be written according to the copy of the book of life; and if they not be so written, yet they ought to be so corrected."

— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.