Date: 1698
"People love to see their Passions painted no less than their Persons: And like Narcissus are apt to dote on their own Image."
preview | full record— Collier, Jeremy (1650-1726)
Date: 1698
"Love has generally a Party Within; And when the Wax is prepared, the Impression is easily made."
preview | full record— Collier, Jeremy (1650-1726)
Date: 1698
"The Passions are up in Arms, and there's a mighty Contest between Duty, and Inclination. The Mind is over-run with Amusements, and commonly good for nothing sometime after."
preview | full record— Collier, Jeremy (1650-1726)
Date: 1698
"The Seat of Sense is the Brain, whose Nervous Dispensations are the Intermediate Bodies between it and the Organs, on which the External Objects act."
preview | full record— Cowper [Cooper], William (1666/7-1710)
Date: 1698
"When the Impression is made by the Object, and receiv'd into the Organ of Sense, it is convey'd from thence with the same Type or Character, by an Agitation of its Nervous Expansions and their continued Trunks, to the common Sensory."
preview | full record— Cowper [Cooper], William (1666/7-1710)
Date: 1699
"The Passions still predominant will rule: / Uncivil, rude, nor bred in Reason's School."
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)
Date: 1699
"Our Understanding they [the passions] with darkness fill, / Cause strange Conceptions, and pervert the Will."
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)
Date: 1699
"On these the Soul, as on some flowing tide, / Must sit, and on the swelling Billows ride; / Hurry'd away, for how can be withstood / Th' Impetuous Torrent of the boyling blood?"
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)
Date: 1699
"The Soul which was of purest Angel-kind, / The reflex Image of its Maker's Mind."
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)
Date: 1699
"Then th' Understanding without pain did climb: / Capacious, Active, Lively, and Sublime, / Clear as fair Fountains, and as pure as they, / Chast as the Morn, and open as the day."
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)