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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"O hail, thou blest anticipated day! / Gild my young Muse with one enlightened ray: / So shall thy light each intellect refine, / Burn in each thought, and glow thro' ev'ry line.

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"Hail, happy dawn! thy glorious sun shall rise, / Beam on the dreary night of polar skies; / Chase the thick mists of ignorance away, / And on the darkest mind emit full day."

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"Ah! who can tell what pow'rs that mind possess'd, / What flames of lambent genius warm'd his breast!"

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"Some turbulent Othello's vainly try / To curb the green-eyed monster Jealousy."

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"A never-ceasing vulture gnaws his breast."

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"If with big meaning pregnant Fancy teem'd; / If o'er each thought, the light of Genius beam'd; / If quick Perception new ideas found, / And lent to verse new luxuries of sound [...]"

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"What! are we to live amenable to no restrictions; to give the rein to all our appetites?"

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"The government of Head and Heart soon chang'd, / All former plans of thinking were derang'd; / Cupid's fond garrison was put to route, / Hypothesis march'd in, and Love march'd out."

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"Their hearts still glow'd with unextinguish'd flames."

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

The soul "lives eternal in some brighter sphere. / Art thou the wretch to doubt that truth sublime, / Can'st thou not look beyond the things of time? / Hast thou no innate power to comprehend / Matter eterne, existence without end ? / Yon blue waves never-resting lapse behold, / For there 'tis Hi...

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.