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Date: 1808

"Are these not ills enow?--must rage, and hate, / And strife, and uproar join in discord wild, / Steel the relentless heart, and spurn affections mild?"

— MacNeill, Hector (1746-1818)

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Date: 1808

"Yet our souls are so crusted with housewifely moss, / That Fancy's bright furnace yields nothing but dross:"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"No gossip in my faithful heart / Shall ever occupy her room"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"Let us awhile divert our spleen, / Recall the gay, the cheerful scene; /Awhile in Fancy's mirror trace / The social night, the joyous chase"

— Anstey, Christopher (1724-1805)

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Date: 1808

"Yet adamantine souls, and iron forms, / Hard brac'd by toil, and nurst among the storms, / Whom pleasure ne'er could melt, or terror freeze, / Can trace undaunted even such scenes as these"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"'But when the Bard by Arun's stream / Indulg'd each sadly tender theme, / And with enchantment wild combin'd / The countless "shadowy tribes of mind;'"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"With active force the comprehensive mind / Breaks custom's chains and prejudice's ties, / And wide in sportive curves unbounded flies."

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"Draw close those ties, so fine and yet so strong, / That gently lead the willing soul along, / Nor crush beneath oppression's iron rod / The kindred image of the parent God; / Nor think that rigour's galling chains can bind / The native force of the superior mind."

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1809

"Still may she [Fancy] rule the manly mind; / Her sweetest magic still impart / To soften, not subdue, the heart: / Still may she warm the chosen breast, /Not as the sovereign, but the guest."

— Bowles, William Lisle (1762-1850)

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Date: 1809

"Manhood, Shame, / And sense of Folly--all conspire, / To steel their Hearts, and rouse their Fire, / And vindicate their Honour's claim"

— Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (1746-1828)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.