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Date: 1777

"When his reason returned, it settled into a melancholy, which time has soothed, not extinguished, which indeed seems to have become the habitual tone of his mind."

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"I retire to the family of my own thoughts, and find them in weeds of sorrow."

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"There is a certain kind of trifling, in which a mind not much at ease can sometimes indulge itself. One feels an escape, as it were, from the heart, and is fain to take up with lighter company. It is like the theft of a truant boy, who goes to play for a few minutes while his master is asleep, a...

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"Somebody, I think, has compared them to small pieces of coin, which, though of less value than the large, are more current amongst men; but the parallel fails in one respect: a thousand of those livres do not constitute a louis; and I have known many characters possessed of all tha...

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"[H]er spirits droop more than her body; she is thoughtful and melancholy when she thinks she is not observed, and, what pleases me worse, affects to appear otherwise, when she is"

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"My pineal gland could you but view, / You'd scarce believe your eyes see true: / There's such a jumble; good and bad, / All sorts of thoughts, may there be had; / Like broker's shop, where we may find / Goods that belong to half mankind."

— Savage, Mary (fl. 1763-1777)

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Date: 1777

"Thus oft, from shop of brain, I try / To throw the dirt and rubbish by; / But still they gain their former state, / Or leave a vacuum in the pate."

— Savage, Mary (fl. 1763-1777)

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Date: 1777

Compliance may be a balsam to the mind

— Savage, Mary (fl. 1763-1777)

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Date: 1777

The soul may be tossed in a whirlwind

— Savage, Mary (fl. 1763-1777)

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Date: 1777

"For since, my Lord, at Reason's awful bar / You plac'd Devonia's Duchess, 'mid the war / Of jarring tongues; since Satire's two-edg'd sword, / That smites alike the Peasant and the Lord, / By Genius whetted, threats its angry blow; / --I tremble at the vengeance of the Foe-- / While my starv'd M...

— Combe, William (1742 -1823)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.