Date: 1773
"They who are loud in human Reason's Praise, / And celebrate the Drivers of our Days, / Seem to suppose, by their continual Bawl, / That Passions, Reason, and Machine, is all / To them the Windows are drawn up, and clear / Nothing that does not outwardly appear."
preview | full record— Byrom, John (1692-1763)
Date: 1773
"Think'st thou, had Fancy's mirror struck his sight, / And brought thy too degenerate deeds to light; / Had shewn thee curst to such a vicious race, / Whose very breath contaminates the place: / How would his manly heart with grief have died / T'have seen this fatal barrier to his pride?"
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1773
"But there was a judge in the bosom of Annesly, whom it was more difficult to satisfy; nor could he for a long time be brought to pardon himself that blow, for which the justice of his country had acquitted him."
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1773
One may blot from his mind "the idea of future retribution"
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1773
"The passions which thou didst implant in me, that reason which should balance them, is unable to withstand"
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1773
"Besides these, there were certain evenings appropriated to exercises of the mind."
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1773
"Madness ensu'd, while Reason fled her Throne."
preview | full record— Robertson, James (fl.1768-1788)
Date: 1773
"Legion of Sin! in Smiles delusive drest, / Whose loathsome Cell's the grand Deceiver's breast"
preview | full record— Robertson, James (fl.1768-1788)
Date: 1773
Meek-eyed Toleration may, gentle as a dove, sit "enthroned upon the benevolent hearts of mannkind"
preview | full record— Crawford, Charles (b. 1752)
Date: 1773
"Though you are so happy as to have parents, who are both capable and desirous of giving you all proper instruction, yet I, who love you so tenderly, cannot help fondly wishing to contribute something, if possible, to your improvement and welfare: and, as I am so far separated from you, that it i...
preview | full record— Mulso [later Chapone], Hester (1727-1801)