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Date: 1693

"'Twas this House which was pitched upon for the Ball; and what place so fit for Dancing and innocent Mirth, as a spacious Hall, whose Building, Size, and Furniture, altogether rustical, imprinted such lively Idea's of Country Freedom, and Country Innocence."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"The Prince who was so uneasie before, and so desirous to see her, since he had that interview he wished for, began to be more at ease, though more in Love than before, and whereas his thoughts were formerly distracted several ways, now they ran all on her; the Ball, the Dancing, and all the rest...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"One while he fancied he saw her Dancing, another, that he saw with what a grace she spake, and every word of her discourse was as ready in his memory, as if they were the only ones engraven there; no wonder if those who will not give credit to the Stories of Apparitions, say, the Persons are del...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"And as the guilty Conscience of the Murderer presents the Fantour of the Murdered to his view, so Lovers are haunted with Spectres too, only the Murderers appear in a dreadful, the Lovers in a pleasing Form."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"She has kindled fires in my breast, / Which keep me still awake, / And robs her Lover of that rest, / Which she her self does take."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"Though the oddness of Celadon's adventure did for some time employ the Prince's mind, yet at last, by a long chain of thought, he returned to the accustomed Subject his Mistress: For as the Jack of the Lanthorn is said to lead the benighted Country-man about, and makes him tread many a weary ste...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"In vain, fond Wretch, you Arm, / And think Steel proof 'gainst Beauty's dart, / Which will, like light'ning, pierce your Heart, / yet do your Coat of Mail no harm."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"My Spanish Mistress, upon this very occasion, told me a Story of a Spartan Boy, who having stolen a young Fox, and hidden him under his Gown, rather than be discovered, kept him there till he tore out his Bowels: So it is with the English Ladies, if once Love enters into their Breasts, though, l...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"It would be tedious for me to tell you, how ill I bore this worst change of my Fortune; I raged, I grieved, till my Sighs and Tears grew so thick upon one another, that no one could know which was the most plentiful of their two Fountains, my Heart, or my Eyes."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"Now I would know what my success may be, if I go on, and accordingly I will either nourish this Passion, or tear it from my Breast?"

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.