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Date: w. 1772

"The herald spake; the grace appear'd, / And stamp'd salvation on her heart."

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1764, 1773

"And souls, however mean or vile, / Like features, brighten by a smile."

— Shenstone, William (1714-1763)

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Date: 1773, 1894-1895

"Your Doctor's Potion, Patience, and the Bark, / May hit both mental, and material Mark; / One serves to keep the Ague from the Mind, / As t'other does, from its corporeal Rind."

— Byrom, John (1692-1763)

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Date: 1773, 1894-1895

"For what the Bark is to the growing Tree, / To human Mind, that, Patience seems to be; / They hold the Principles of Growth together, / And blunt the Force of Accident, and Weather."

— Byrom, John (1692-1763)

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Date: 1773, 1894-1895

"Patience defends us from all outward Hap; / Of inward Life Thanksgiving is the Sap."

— Byrom, John (1692-1763)

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Date: 1777

"For since, my Lord, at Reason's awful bar / You plac'd Devonia's Duchess, 'mid the war / Of jarring tongues; since Satire's two-edg'd sword, / That smites alike the Peasant and the Lord, / By Genius whetted, threats its angry blow; / --I tremble at the vengeance of the Foe-- / While my starv'd M...

— Combe, William (1742 -1823)

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Date: 1777

"Is there no Senator, whose soul disdains / To bear about his mind the golden chains / Of base Corruption?"

— Combe, William (1742 -1823)

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Date: 1777

In "the dark maeanders" of Vice's "foul abode ... busy Spirits forge, with curious art,/ The triple plates of brass, to guard the heart / From Reason's bold assault"

— Combe, William (1742 -1823)

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Date: 1777

In Vice's "foul abode ... hellish ministers with fatal care / From baneful drugs the potent juice prepare; / Whose dead'ning posset dulls the mental sense

— Combe, William (1742 -1823)

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Date: 1778

" In thee, by art, the demon stands confest, / But nature on thy soul has stamped the god."

— Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.