Date: 1775
"But, O, my brother! if thou hast a heart / That is not steel'd with stoic apathy / Against the magic of all-conqu'ring love, / Beware of beauty's pow'r; for she has charms / Wou'd melt the frozen breast of hoary age, / Or draw the lonely hermit from his cell / To gaze upon her."
preview | full record— Francklin, Thomas (1721-1784)
Date: 1777
"Pale-eyed Affright, his heart of silver hue, / In vain essayed her bosom to acale."
preview | full record— Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770)
Date: 1777
"Her mind's a burning fire, / Where sudden thoughts, like wreaths of smoak arise, / And, parting from the flame, disperse in air."
preview | full record— Home, John (1722-1808)
Date: 1777
"Her shatter'd fancy, like a mirror broken, / Reflects no single image just and true, / But many false ones."
preview | full record— Home, John (1722-1808)
Date: 1779
"My mind's in equipoise, ready alike / To hold thee as my Lover, or my Foe!"
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1779
"Come, come, Albina; / Though to a Lover you might wear this guise, / Of coy reserve, yet, to a Father's eye, / Your mind should now appear as legible / As in the days of prattling infancy."
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1779
"Ambition! thou whose hallow'd flame can live / Only in minds refin'd from the gross elements / Of which the herd of human kind are made!"
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1779
"If one spark of virtue / Yet hovers in his mind--Oh, grant me, Heaven! / To kindle it afresh, and be the flame immortal!"
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1779
"His mind / Knowledge illumines, and bright Virtue loves."
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1779
"Not Man, but thriftless Nature, be accused, / Who to seductions left our minds a prey-- / --Nay more, who doth herself ensnare us; / Hath hung us round with senses exquisite, / Hath planted in our hearts resistless passions, / The first to weaken, and the last to war / On poor, defenceless, nake...
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)