Date: 1788
"Thou Christian emperor in whose generous breast / The light of pure devotion shone impress'd, / That sacred light descending from above, / An emanation of coelestial love; / With speed of light'ning spread the lambent ray, / Till realms of darkness kindled into day; / From God himself the spark ...
preview | full record— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)
Date: 1789, 1797
"Ah, say, deluded Maid, / Would you, whose mind is pure as winter's snow, / Assort with one distain'd by foulest guilt, / Whose nightly rest the murther'd sprites would break."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George Monck (1763-1793)
Date: 1789, 1797
"Each motive base it [the soul] nobly spurns, / And bright with purest passion burns."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George Monck (1763-1793)
Date: 1789, 1797
"Still in this breast shall dearest Emma reign, / Nor e'er my will your virgin choice shall sway."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George Monck (1763-1793)