Date: 1784
"Louisa wrote under the immediate impression of her extacy to find Eugenio guiltless; that her mind was not sobered enough for reflection""
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1784
"She awakens with new vivacity to the impressions of pleasure, which her mind was accustomed to receive from scenic objects"
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1784
"No, Edwitha--you have a native dignity of mind incapable of degradation or alloy."
preview | full record— Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809)
Date: 1784
" I am form'd horribly robust, as thou art, without a grain of sensibility--a heart of stone, and nerves of cast iron"
preview | full record— Andrews, Miles Peter (1742-1814)
Date: 1784
"Pistols prim'd and carbines loaded, / Courage strikes on hearts of steel"
preview | full record— O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833)
Date: 1784
"The hidden lead indents the murderer's brain; / With one demoniac glance, as down he fell, / The soul starts furious from its vital cell."
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1784
"But, for the furniture within, / Whether it be of brains, or lead, / What matters it, so there's a head?"
preview | full record— Jago, Richard (1715-1781)
Date: 1784
"Nor is it thinking much, but doing, / That keeps our tenements from ruin"
preview | full record— Jago, Richard (1715-1781)
Date: 1784
"Oh! spare me, Julia--look on me as I am, an alter'd man--peace has been a stranger to my bosom, and remorse and sorrow my constant companions, since we parted"
preview | full record— Andrews, Miles Peter (1742-1814)
Date: 1784, 1810
"Oh! let thy mind's pure eye behold me soar / Where light, and life, from springs unfailing pour!"
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)