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Date: 1798

"Every letter of it stands engraven on my heart"

— Leftley, Charles (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798

One's band may "all want the stamp of a genuine great mind."

— Render, William (fl. 1790-1801); August Friedrich Ferdinand von Kotzebue (1761-1819)

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Date: 1798

"Begone, iron-hearted wretch!"

— Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809)

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Date: 1798

"For scenes that frequent views of death impart, / Nerve the bold arm, and steel the manly heart"

— Pye, Henry James (1745-1813)

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Date: 1798

"And, sir, it may be prudent for you to remember, that a soldier's heart is like his sword, formed of tempered steel; for while it bends with sympathizing pity to the touch of woe, it can resume its springing energy to punish arrogance, or crush oppression"

— Morton, Thomas (1764-1838)

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Date: 1798

"There are occupations in the world, which mould a man into a certain form for life, like a piece of paper which has once been folded, its marks are never obliterated."

— Render, William (fl. 1790-1801); August Friedrich Ferdinand von Kotzebue (1761-1819)

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Date: 1798

"He sticks to his text I find; for he always begins his sermons by telling me what fine things I could do, if I would but give my soul elbow room"

— Brand, Hannah (d. 1821); Philippe Héricault Destouches (1680-1754)

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Date: 1798

"The countenance, to attract the heart of a worthy man, must be the mirror of an unsullied mind."

— Papendick, George (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798

"In her it [beauty] seems the mirror of her soul"

— Papendick, George (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1798

"Is the face of a friend become disgusting to you? or dare you not let your eye be the mirror of your soul?"

— Papendick, George (fl. 1798)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.