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Date: 1799

"These images now gave birth to a third conception, which darted on my benighted understanding like an electrical flash."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"The influence of this thought was like the infusion of a new soul into my frame."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"All the circumstances of my present situation tended to arrest the progress of thought, and chain my contemplations to one image"

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"My mind was thronged with the images flowing from my late late adventures."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"Soul-chearing rays" may be eclipsed

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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Date: 1799

Images may invade [the mind?]

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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Date: w. 1784, 1799

"Pleased she surveys her infant charge, / Beholds the mental powers enlarge, / And as the young ideas rise, / Directs their issues to the skies."

— West, Jane (1758-1852)

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Date: 1799

"Then I began to revolve the consequences, which the mist of passion had hitherto concealed."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

Virtue may fix "her dearest throne within [one's] heart"

— Anonymous

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Date: 1799

"The judge of our court of conscience is the noblest soul I ever knew"

— Ludger, Conrad (b. 1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.