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Date: 1733

Base usurpers of the soul may be gone, "and Reason long depos'd regains her Throne"

— Masters, Mary (1694-1771)

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Date: 1733

Reason's "clear Mirror" can reflect the past actions and represent passions

— Masters, Mary (1694-1771)

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Date: 1734, 1735

"Since you to win my Heart have deign'd, / Quit not the Conquest you have gain'd."

— Barber, Mary (c.1685-1755)

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Date: 1734, 1735

"Their dire Effects the Wretched feel: / Thy Waters turn the Heart to Steel."

— Barber, Mary (c.1685-1755)

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Date: 1734, 1735

"The Mind, in peaceful Solitude, has Room / To range in Thought, and ramble far from home."

— Barber, Mary (c.1685-1755)

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Date: 1734

"No; only he, who gave the blind their Sight, / Can fix interiour Eyes on heavenly Light"

— Adam [Adams], Jean (1710-1765)

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Date: [1731?] 1734

"Yet we have Reason, to supply / What nature did to man deny: / Weak viceroy! Who thy power will own, / When Custom has usurped thy throne?"

— Barber, Mary (c.1685-1755)

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Date: 1735

"'Twere endless to describe the various Darts, / With which the Fair are arm'd to conquer Heart"

— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)

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Date: 1735

"Come, gentle Sleep, my Eye-lids close, / These dull Impressions help me lose:"

— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)

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Date: 1735

"Such was the Turn of thy exalted Mind, / Sparkling as polish'd Gems, as purest Gold refin'd."

— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.