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Date: 1703

"Was she old and deform'd, / Her Wit and her Air, / Would conquer more Hearts, / Than the Young and the Fair."

— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)

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Date: 1703

"Those Charms are more noble, / The Lovely and Kind / May vanquish the Body, / She conquers the Mind."

— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)

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Date: 1703

"At length my reconcil'd and conquer'd Heart, / When 'twas almost too late own'd thy Desert, / And wishes thou wast still, not that thou never wer't; / Wishes thee still that celebrated Day,/ I lately kept with sympathizing Joy."

— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)

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Date: 1703

"My Soul, with softning Airs, prepar'd by Fate, / Took the Impression of that charming Face,"

— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)

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Date: 1710

"But thy unerring Hands, with matchless Art / Have shewn my Eyes th'Impression in my Heart;"

— Congreve, William (1670-1729)

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Date: w. before 1717? (first published 1989)

"But he who servily can wish or grieve / For that which is not in his powr to give / Casts off the firmness wch shoud make him great / the strongest shield we can oppose to fate / letts inclinations grow & thus he weaves / Those very bonds which keep us passions slaves."

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1718, 1747

"A piece of sculpture admirably wrought is put out to view, but, to preserve it against the injuries of the weather, or for some other reason, is varnished over. Every body extols the artist, and is pleased with his work; and yet no one sees that which was the immediate subject of his art, being ...

— Grove, Henry (1684-1738)

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Date: 1751

"Surely, says I, this ought to be engraven on Brass, as I wish it was on my Heart"

— Paltock, Robert (1697-1767)

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Date: 1751

"I am here, thought I, like a poor condemned Criminal, who knows his Execution is fixed for such a Day, nay such an Hour, and dies over and over in Imagination, and by the Torture of his Mind, till that Hour comes"

— Paltock, Robert (1697-1767)

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Date: 1751

"This Speech, I own, gave me the first Reflection I ever had in my Life, and lock'd up all my Faculties for a long Time; nor was I able, for the Variety of Ideas that crowded my Brain, to make a Word of Answer, but stood like an Image of Stone"

— Paltock, Robert (1697-1767)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.