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Date: 1777, 1778

"May the fair page never be polluted!--may it become inscribed with every excellent virtue--and be thereby rendered comely in the sight of Men, of Angels, of the Deity!"

— Rack, Edmund (1735-1787)

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Date: August 4, 1778

"Behold! the soul shall waft away, / Whene'er we come to die, / And leave its cottage made of clay, / In twinkling of an eye."

— Hammon, Jupiter (1711-c.1800)

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Date: 1780, 1785

"Come then dear and decent favour, / Learn what thou wilt ne'er impart;/ Fix thy throne, and fix it ever, / In the regions of my heart."

— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)

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Date: 1781

"Her teeming Thoughts with bright Conceptions glow, / Ideas crowd, and Lines spontaneous flow."

— Keate, George (1729-1797)

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Date: 1781

"How solidly he establishes, in Opposition to the celebrated Mr. Locke, the Doctrine of Innate Ideas; or that the Soul of Man, is not in its first created State, a mere Rasa Tabula, or blank Paper, but full of divine Sensations, and the Powers, Riches and Glories of Eternity; all treasured up and...

— Anonymous; [L--]

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Date: 1782

"Disdainful of those little arts that bind, / In slavish trammels, the inferior mind, / No stage finesse her action shall disgrace, / To trick a generous audience out of praise; / But Truth, and Nature, shall still plead her cause, / And win the tribute of a just applause."

— Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (1746-1828)

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Date: w. 1788, 1810

"Thee, Bard morose, / Churlish amid thy fancy's golden stores, / Thee will I teach, censorious as thou art, / What is not Virtue."

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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Date: 1790

The mind holds "each parted form," "like the after-echoing" of a storm

— Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851)

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Date: 1790

Pleasing scenes may remain in the bosom, like "moons who do their watches run with the reflected brightness of the sun"

— Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851)

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Date: 1791

"The generous Mind expanding into Joy, / While no mean Passion mixt its base Alloy;"

— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.