Date: 1741
"Without Memory the Soul of Man would be but a poor destitute naked Being, with an everlasting Blank spread over it, except the fleeting ideas of the present Moment."
preview | full record— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Date: 1741
"Ere Vice the spotless Paper foul, / Imprint the Volume of the Soul / With Vertue's noble Mark!"
preview | full record— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)
Date: 1741
"Vertue's noble mark ... extending by degrees, / Shall grow like Letters carv'd on Trees / That widen with the Bark."
preview | full record— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)
Date: 1741
" One Stamp of Mind their very Forms express'd, / Same shap'd, like fac'd, like manner'd, and same drest"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"He blinds the Wise, gives Eye-sight to the Blind; / And moulds and stamps anew the Lover's Mind"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"Whether from mutual Passion springs the Flame, / Or Minds congenial stamp the vital Seeds"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"But soon his tender Mind th' Impression felt"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"But soon his tender Mind th' Impression felt, / As softest Metals are not slow to melt, / And Pity soonest runs in gentle Minds"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"Her curious Thoughts the Ring's Impression bear, / And new Ideas interrupt her Rest."
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"What strong Impressions does Affection give? / By Fancy, Men have often ceas'd to live."
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)