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Date: 1741 [1740]; continued in 1741

The soul "like a Mole in Earth, busy and blind, / Works all her Folly up, and casts it outward / To the World's open View"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1741 [1740]; continued in 1741

"But if otherwise, he may take Advantage of the Confidence plac'd in him, to the Injury of some worthy Person, and by Degrees monopolize the young Gentleman to himself, and govern his Passions as absolurely, as I have heard some First Ministers have done those of their Prince"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1741 [1740]; continued in 1741

"That he might, for his own dear sake, become a Partaker, a Partner in them; and then, thought I, when we can Hand in Hand, Heart in Heart, one Spirit, as well as one Flesh, join in the same Closet, in the same Prayers and Thanksgivings, what an happy Creature shall I be!"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1741 [1740]; continued in 1741

"I see your sweet Eyes begin to glisten:---- O how this Subject raises your whole Soul to the Windows of it!"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1741 [1740]; continued in 1741

Pamela is apt to look upon sheepishness "as an outward Fence or Inclosure, as I may say, to his Virtue, which might keep off the lighter Attacks of Immorality, the Hussars of Vice, as I may say, who are not able to carry on a formal Siege against his Morals"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1741 [1740]; continued in 1741

"While an harden'd Mind, that never doubts itself, must be a Stranger to its own Infirmities"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1741

"But Thou shalt rise superior to their Arts, / And fix Thy Empire in a People's Hearts."

— Nugent, Robert [or Craggs] (1702-1788)

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Date: w. 1741

"While breath shall animate this frail machine, / My heart sincere, which never flatt'ry knew, / Shall consecrate its warmest wish to you."

— Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley [née Lady Mary Pierrepont] (1689-1762)

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Date: 1741

"Says Body to Mind, ''Tis amazing to see, / We're so nearly related yet never agree, / But lead a most wrangling strange sort of life, / As great plagues to each other as husband and wife.'"

— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)

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Date: 1741

"The best room in my house you [the mind] have seized for your own, / And turned the whole tenement quite upside down, / While you hourly call in a disorderly crew / Of vagabond rogues, who have nothing to do / But to run in and out, hurry-scurry, and keep / Such a horrible uproar, I can't get to...

— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.