Date: 1728
"From the Tongue / Th' unfinish'd Period falls: while, born away / On swelling Thought, his wafted Spirit flies / To the dear Bosom of his absent Fair; / And leaves the Semblance of a Lover, fix'd / In melancholy Site, with Head declin'd, / And Love-dejected Eyes."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
Exhausted Nature sinks a-while to Rest, / Still interrupted by disorder'd Dreams, / That o'er the sick Imagination rise, / And in black Colours paint the mimic Scene."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
"But thro' the Heart / Should Jealousy it's Venom once diffuse, / 'Tis then delightful Misery no more, / But Agony unmixt, incessant Rage, / Corroding every Thought, and blasting all / The Paradise of Love."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
"Ye Fairy Prospects then, / Ye Beds of Roses, and ye Bowers of Joy, / Farewell! Ye Gleamings of departing Peace, / Shine out your last! The yellow-tinging Plague / Internal Vision taints, and in a Night / Of livid Gloom Imagination wraps."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
"Reflection pours, / Afresh, her Beauties on his busy Thought, / Her first Endearments, twining round the Soul, / With all the Witchcraft of ensnaring Love."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
Strait the fierce Storm involves his Mind anew, / Flames thro' the Nerves, and boils along the Veins; / While anxious Doubt distracts the tortur'd Heart; / For even the sad Assurance of his Fears / Were Heaven to what he feels."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
"'Tis not the courser Tie of human Laws, / Unnatural oft, and foreign to the Mind, / Which binds their Peace, but Harmony itself, / Attuning all their Passions into Love."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1728
"I must have Women. There is nothing unbends the Mind like them."
preview | full record— Gay, John (1685-1732)
Date: 1728
"If Love the Virgin's Heart invade, / How, like a Moth, the simple Maid / Still plays about the Flame!"
preview | full record— Gay, John (1685-1732)
Date: 1728
"Though my Heart were as frozen as Ice, / At his Flame 'twould have melted away."
preview | full record— Gay, John (1685-1732)