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Date: 1729

"The main Spring in us is the Soul, which is immaterial and immortal"

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1729

"What is it, that superintends Thought in them? where must we look for it? which is the main Spring?... I can answer you no otherwise, than Life."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1729

"Among the helluones librorum, the Cormorants of Books, there are wretched Reasoners, that have canine Appetites, and no Digestion."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1731

"I am unpractis'd in the Arts of Court; / And my free Thoughts range open as my Eye-balls."

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1731-1732, 1777

"Your poet shall allot your Lord his part, / And paint him in his noblest throne--your heart."

— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)

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Date: 1734

"If I but close my eyes, strange images / In thousand forms and thousand colours rise, / Stars, rainbows, moons, green dragons, bears and ghosts, / An endless medley rush upon the stage, / And dance and riot wild in reason's court / Above control."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1739

"And as the Author very well says, whose Name I've forgot, Man is in this World like a Bird upon a Bough, the Bough is fix'd to the Tree, he who is fix'd to the Tree follows good Precepts, good Precepts are better than fine Words, fine Words are found at Court, at Court are Courtiers, Courtiers f...

— Baker, Henry (1698-1774); Miller James (1706-1744); Molière (1622-1673)

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Date: 1738, 1739

"The Mind, a Blank, when Life begins to flow, / But without Knowledge capable to know, / The God of Nature to our Care commits; / As to the Press we send th' unsully'd Sheets."

— Bancks, John (1709-1751)

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Date: 1738, 1739

"And as with Milton's Numbers, or with mine, / Those Sheets come forth, as Corbet may enjoin; / So Education on the Mind imprints / Sublime Ideas, or low trivial Hints."

— Bancks, John (1709-1751)

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Date: 1738, 1739

"For tho' right Reason should her Beams display, / And dart new Lustre on our clouded Way; / Unless Philosophy, with antient Strength, / Support her Empire to Life's utmost Length; / Unless, in Passion's Spite, we dare be free, / (What Few have been, and Few will ever be) / That pristine Turn, th...

— Bancks, John (1709-1751)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.