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Date: 1799

"I could not help smiling at the picture which my fancy drew of their anxiety and wonder."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"Surely some insanity has fastened on my understanding"

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

Dreams haunt "undisciplined and unenlightened" imaginations

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

Insinuations "breed suspicion" in the mind

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"It seemed as if I were walking in the dark and might rush into snares or drop into pits before I was aware of my danger"

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"I cannot well account for the revolution in my mind."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"A mind thus susceptible of new impressions must be, I conceived, of a wonderful texture."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"His emotion seemed to communicate itself, with an electrical rapidity, to my heart."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"In stepping to the instrument some motion or appearance awakened a thought in my mind, which affected my feelings like the shock of an earthquake"

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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Date: 1799

"My heart was lightened of its wonted burthen, and I laboured to invent some harmless explication of the scene I had witnessed the preceding night."

— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.