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Date: 1694

"Self-Knowledge properly siginifies to contemplate our own Natures in their Idea, to draw our own Image and Picture as like the Original as we can, and to view our selves in it."

— Sherlock, William (1639/40-1707)

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Date: 1694

"He says indeed, That the Soul is the seat of Personality, the only Principle of Reason, Sensation, and a Conscious life, which consequently in a State of Separation is the Person, and when united to the Body constitutes the Person, and therefore may both be the Person, and constitute the Person."

— Sherlock, William (1639/40-1707)

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Date: 1694

"When a Body is vitally united to a Soul, Soul and Body are but One Person, because they are but One voluntary Agent, and have but One Conscious Life; but it is the Soul constitutes the Person, as being the Principle of all personal Acts, Sensations and Passions which the Body is only the Instrum...

— Sherlock, William (1639/40-1707)

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Date: 1694

"A Soul vitally united to a Body, is an embodied Person, in a State of Separation it is the same Person still, but without a Body, which makes a great change in its Sensations, and manner of acting, but no more changes the Person, than the Man would be changed cloathed or uncloathed, were his Clo...

— Sherlock, William (1639/40-1707)

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Date: 1694, 1708

"But wretched thou, whoe'er my rival art, / That fondly boasts an empire o'er her heart."

— Yalden, Thomas (1670-1736)

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Date: 1694

"An obliging Design, which wou'd procure them inward Beauty, to whom Nature has unkindly denied the outward; and not permit those Ladies who have comely Bodies, to tarnish their Glory with deformed Souls."

— Astell, Mary (1666-1731)

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Date: 1694

"Your Glass will not do you half so much service as a serious reflection on your own Minds; which will discover Irregularities more worthy your Correction, and keep you from being either too much elated or depress'd by the representations of the other."

— Astell, Mary (1666-1731)

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Date: 1694

"No solicitude in the adornation of your selves is discommended, provided you employ your care about that which is really your self; and do not neglect that particle of Divinity within you, which must survive, and may (if you please) be happy and perfect when it’s unsuitable and much inferiour Co...

— Astell, Mary (1666-1731)

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Date: 1694

"What your own sentiments are, I know not, but I cannot without pity and resentment reflect, that those Glorious Temples on which your kind Creator has bestow'd such exquisite workmanship, shou'd enshrine no better than Egyptian Deities; be like a garnish'd Sepulchre, which for all it's glitterin...

— Astell, Mary (1666-1731)

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Date: 1694

"Thy mighty Soul, stamp'd of Heav'n's noblest Coin, / More Pure than Gold, more Precious and Divine, / Does in thy Everlasting Vertues shine."

— Cobb, Samuel (bap. 1675, d. 1713)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.