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Date: 1693

"On the contrary, it is not unjust not to pitty him that loves you to all the extravagance of raving; and with these words, he got into an entire possession of the strugling Nymph, who with a Heart all panting with excess of Pleasure, now calmly permitted whatsoe're the Count would do."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1693

"O're Loves unbeaten Wilds, I plaid and rang'd. / Whilst at our Mouths, our wandring Souls w' exchang'd."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1696

"Tho' she be / A Slave, her Mind is free, and shou'd consent."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"Nay, then it must be she: it is Imoinda: My Heart confesses her, and leaps for joy, / To welcome her to her own Empire here."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"Take, take me all: enquire into my heart, / (You know the way to every secret there) / My Heart, the sacred treasury of Love: / And if, in absence, I have mis-employ'd / A Mite from the rich store: if I have spent / A Wish, a Sigh, but what I sent to you: / May I be curst to wish, and sigh in va...

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"Here I reign / In full delights, in Joys to Pow'r unknown; / Your Love my Empire, and your Heart my Throne."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"O! for a Soul of fire, / To warm, and animate our common Cause, / And make a body of us."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"I find the danger now: my Spirits start / At the alarm, and from all quarters come / To Man my Heart, the Citadel of love."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"I cou'd resolve it soon, / Were this curst Being only in Debate. / But my Imoinda struggles in my Soul."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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Date: 1696

"But 'tis a pleasure more than life can give, / That with unconquer'd Passion to the last, / You struggle still, and fain wou'd hold me to you."

— Southerne, Thomas (1659-1746)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.