Literary Period
Long Eighteenth Century (284)
Eighteenth Century (257)
Augustan (166)
Age of Sensibility (146)
Restoration (54)
Seventeenth Century (54)
Metaphor Category
Uncategorized (64)
Government (62)
Population (40)
Body (37)
Writing (27)
Architecture (24)
Light (22)
Motion (22)
Impressions (18)
Animals (17)
Prose (194)
Poetry (105)
Translation (8)
Drama (7)
Prose Fiction (3)
Letter (2)
- Gender of Author
- Nationality of Author
Politics of Author
Whiggish (63)
From Tory to Whig (49)
Whig (43)
Tory (12)
Jacobite (3)
Religion of Author
Cambridge Platonist (22)
Anglican (20)
Church of Scotland (13)
Presbyterian (5)
Roman Catholic (3)