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Date: 1717

"Bear unmov'd the wrongs of base mankind, / The last, and hardest, conquest of the mind"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1717

One may strive "On every Subject's Heart to seal his Love ... What Breast so hard? what Heart of human make, / But softning did the kind Impression take?"

— Duke, Richard (1658-1711)

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Date: 1717

"Some livelier Spark of Heav'n, and more refin'd / From earthly Dross, fills the great Poet's Mind."

— Duke, Richard (1658-1711)

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Date: 1719-25

"A child, which is incapable of resisting grace, and is as it were a rasa tabula before God, affords a lively representation of that which grace is able to effect even in the heart of an old sinner."

— Quesnel, Pasquier (1634-1719); Russel, Richard (1685-1756)

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Date: 1720

"Ah! Wissin, had thy Art been so refin'd, / As with their Beauty to have drawn their Mind."

— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)

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Date: 1720

"You'll weep, I know you will; no Iron Chains / Confine thy Heart, thy Breast no Oak retains."

— Dart, John (d. 1730); Tibullus (c. 54-19 B.C.)

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Date: 1722

"No Man can boast a God-like Mind, / From that Infernal Dross refin'd; / By Nature all are Base"

— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)

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Date: 1724, 1787

"Sure thou wilt weep, and tender sorrows feel; / Nor flint thy heart, nor is thy breast of steel."

— Welsted, Leonard (1688-1747)

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Date: 1727, 1787

"Oak was his heart, his breast with steel / Thrice mail'd, that first the brittle keel / Committed to the murtherous deep."

— Welsted, Leonard (1688-1747)

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Date: 1728

Imaginary Conquests may swell the Mind

— Pattison, William (1706-1727)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.