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Date: 1798

"In making observations upon subjects which are new to us, we must be content to use our memory unassisted at first by our reason; we must treasure up the ore and rubbish together, because we cannot immediately distinguish them from each other."

— Edgeworth, Maria

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Date: 1798

"When cards are dealt to us, we can sort our hand according to the known probabilities of the game, and a new arrangement is easily made when we hear what is trumps."

— Edgeworth, Maria

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Date: 1798

"Admitting the justice of these assertions, we see that memory to great men is but a subordinate servant, a treasurer who receives, and is expected to keep faithfully whatever is committed to his care; and not only to preserve faithfully all deposits, but to produce them at the moment they are wa...

— Edgeworth, Maria

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Date: 1798

"My mother I have never seen--never by affection's ties has she chained my soul to her's!"

— Plumptre, Anne (1760-1818); Kotzebue (1761-1819)

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Date: 1798

"Up, break thy fetters! Burst thy prison! My soul is free! My essence knows no chains."

— Render, William (fl. 1790-1801); August Friedrich Ferdinand von Kotzebue (1761-1819)

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Date: 1798

"No neighbour mind serves as a mirror to reflect the generous confidence he felt within himself; and perhaps the man never yet existed, who could maintain his enthusiasm to its full vigour, in the midst of this kind of solitariness."

— Godwin, William (1756-1836)

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Date: February, 1798

"And what (I said) tho' blasphemy's loud scream / With that sweet music of deliv'rance strove; / Tho' all the fierce and drunken passions wove / A dance more wild than ever maniac's dream; / Ye storms, that round the dawning east assembled, / The sun was rising, tho' ye hid his light!"

— Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)

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Date: August 6, 1798

"From such dire views my muse recoils, / Even my vital blood grows cold; / While nature's most stupendous works / Thro fancy's mirror I behold."

— Hoare, William (fl. 1798)

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Date: 1780, 1798

"What can the youth in fancy's mirror view / Save her, the maid that shines in all reveal'd?"

— Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813); Sotheby, Richard (1757-1833)

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Date: 1798 [1797?]

"OFT when the bosom glows with wild desire, / And flatt'ring fancy fans the rising fire; / When self-opinion with seducing phrase, / To conscious merit whispers conscious praise." "Thus more strange fancies stock an English head, / Than e'er the brains of other nations bred."

— Jones, Jenkin [Captain] (fl. 1798)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.