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Date: 1714 [1712, 1717]

"As on the Nosegay in her Breast reclin'd, / He watch'd th' Ideas rising in her Mind, / Sudden he view'd, in spite of all her Art, / An Earthly Lover lurking at her Heart."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715

"When all alone she was surpriz'd to find / Such strong Impressions on her feeble Mind."

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

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Date: 1715

"Musick's the Spring made by Divinest Art, / To move the Vital Machine of Man's Heart, / And circulate with Pow'r thro' ev'ry Part."

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

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Date: 1715, 1762

"In Good Mens Minds and Hearts alone doth he, / Delight to Dwell, and there Engraven be."

— Pennecuik, Alexander (d. 1730)

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Date: 1716

"If midst of Thoughts that crowd into thy Mind, / The Care of absent Friends a Place can find, / Retire a while from Warlike Noise and Throng / Into thy inmost Tent, and listen to my Song."

— Monck [née Molesworth], Mary (1677?-1715)

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Date: 1716

"My ravish'd Heart strait like a Bird of Prey / Stoop'd at the Lure; And thus my early Youth / Was by vain Thoughts bewildred and mis-led."

— Monck [née Molesworth], Mary (1677?-1715)

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Date: 1716

"You think, perhaps, his dull Capacity, / In flight of Reason, cannot soar so high, / As to confirm him in his Sophistry."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1716

"Led on by Reason, that blind Guide o'th'Mind. / Thro Labyrinths of Thought, and envious Ways, / It will conduct you to the fatal Place, / And leave you there."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1716

"O then, from such Idolatry refrain, To worship the Chimeras of your Brain."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1716

"As by Rebellion Subjects oft become / Lords of their Monarch, and pronounce his Doom: / So Reason, to your wicked Nature join'd, / Rebels 'gainst Faith, whose Slave it was design'd."

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.