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Date: w. 1737, published 1738

"But when no Prelate's Lawn with Hair-shirt lin'd, / Is half so incoherent as my Mind, / When (each Opinion with the next at strife, / One ebb and flow of follies all my Life) / I plant, root up, I build, and then confound, / Turn round to square, and square again to round."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1740

"But notwithstanding the empire of the imagination, there is a secret tie or union among particular ideas, which causes the mind to conjoin them more frequently together, and makes the one, upon its appearance, introduce the other."

— Hume, David (1711-1776)

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Date: 1740

"Hence arises what we call the apropos of discourse: hence the connection of writing: and hence that thread, or chain of thought, which a man naturally supports even in the loosest reverie."

— Hume, David (1711-1776)

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Date: 1740

"For as it is by means of thought only that any thing operates upon our passions, and as these are the only ties of our thoughts, they are really to us the cement of the universe, and all the operations of the mind must, in a great measure, depend on them."

— Hume, David (1711-1776)

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Date: 1741-2

"When no malignant fever fires the brain, / And health luxuriant revels in each vein, / Tho' sunk in sloth, from all diseases free, / In dropsies, you will run to Reeve or Lee."

— Gilbert, Thomas (bap. 1713, d. 1766)

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Date: 1741-2

"Whate'er offends the sight we shun with haste, / And shall the mind's disease for ever last?"

— Gilbert, Thomas (bap. 1713, d. 1766)

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Date: 1741-2

A "wounded conscience" may throb beneath a star, and shake one's "fabric with intestine war"

— Gilbert, Thomas (bap. 1713, d. 1766)

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Date: 1742

"He binds my Name upon his Arm, / And seals it on his Heart."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1742

"No more shall trickling Sorrows roll / Thro' those dear Windows of his Soul."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1742

"Thus on soft sophas in her cave reclin'd, / Slept the fam'd goddess of the leaden mind."

— Dodd, William (1729-1777)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.