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Date: 1729, 1737

"But now no longer mine, / The Reins of Empire I resign: / Let Men submit to Reason's rules, / And be at least designing fools."

— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)

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Date: 1729, 1737

"She laugh'd at all the puny Arts, / Which conquer other Female Hearts"

— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)

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Date: 1732

"Shot from her eyes the conquering dart / That found a passage to his heart."

— Dodsley, Robert (1703-1764)

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Date: January 29, 1737

"Nay, the Light of Reason, which we so much boast of, what is it but a Dark-Lanthorn, which just serves to keep us from running our Nose against a Post, perhaps; but is no more able to lead us out of the dark Mists of Error and Ignorance, in which we are lost, than an Ignis fatuus would be to co...

— Dodsley, Robert (1703-1764)

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Date: 1739, 1741

"Tho' Crouds may change, unfaithful as the Wind! / Can They depose the Monarc from his Mind?"

— Ogle, George (1704-1746)

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Date: 1739, 1741

"Great is the Empire of an honest Heart"

— Ogle, George (1704-1746)

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Date: 1739, 1741

"Fortune may change the State, not change the Soul"

— Ogle, George (1704-1746)

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Date: 1739, 1741

"In These, whatever Sense first strikes their Thought, / (Or wrong or right) th' Impression deep is wrought"

— Ogle, George (1704-1746)

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Date: 1739, 1741

"A Scene so sweetly sad, Who fail'd to feel, / Must have an Eye of Flint, or Heart of Steel"

— Ogle, George (1704-1746)

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Date: 1739, 1741

"A Scene, all human Nature must detest! / Yet cou'd the feeling Mother steel her Breast"

— Ogle, George (1704-1746)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.