Date: 1722, 1739
"Thoughts of what I must suffer by the Loss of Don Antonio were crowded in my Imagination, and left no Room for Rest."
preview | full record— Aubin, Penelope (1679?-1731?)
Date: 1722, 1739
"Rather discard this baneful Love, throw off the weighty Chains, banish the fair one from your Breast, return to your Country, be a Blessing to you Parents, and take this glorious Opportunity to free you from the Bondage of your Mind as well as Body."
preview | full record— Aubin, Penelope (1679?-1731?)
Date: 1723
In one's Garret-Closet one's Muse may "take Possession": "Poetry being one of those subtle Devils, that if driven out by never so many firm Purposes, good Resolutions, Aversion to that Poverty it intails upon its Adherents; yet it will always return and find a Passage to the Heart, Brain, ...
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
"Cease, prithee, Muse, thus to infest / The barren Region of my Breast, / Which never can an Harvest yield, / Since Weeds of Noise o'er-run the Field."
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
"Covetousness we may truly call, The Dropsie of the Mind, it being an insatiable Thirst of Gain"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
"Your Letter has so ruffled my whole Interior, that I know not how to write common Sense."
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
Her Muse may "And with thy Spells driv'st Griefs away,
Which else wou'd make my Heart their Prey"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
"Thou'rt to my Mind so very good, / Its Consolation, Physick, Food."
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
"Then, gentle Muse, be still my Guest; / Take full Possession of my Breast."
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1723
"Neither cou'd our Spy, considering his Education in the Mahometan Religion, take a properer Method, in my Opinion, to disengage himself from the Legends of the Nursery, and Fables of the Schools, (as a great man calls our Infant Idea's of things) than to follow the Counsel of his beloved des Car...
preview | full record— Marana, Giovanni Paolo (1642-1693); Anonymous [William Bradshaw (fl. 1700) or Robert Midgley (1655?-1723)?]