Date: 2007
"In my mind's eye the road to London is always wet in the winter, and since that is the only eye with which I shall ever see it, wet it remains."
preview | full record— Gee, Sophie
Date: 2007
"'Happily for us both, the eye of the mind may visit Miss Fermor in her nightgown at any hour,' he said."
preview | full record— Gee, Sophie
Date: 2007
"His mind's eye was entirely absorbed by recalling Arabella's form and figure; the tip of her tongue touching upon her teeth as she spoke; the hair disordered about her face: innocent as a child's, yet knowingly, artfully caught up."
preview | full record— Gee, Sophie
Date: 2007
"The renowned Italian castrato Nicolini was presently making a sedate crossing of the stage in a pasteboard boat, singing of violent tempests in both heart and mind."
preview | full record— Gee, Sophie
Date: 2007
"Every sight is gone in an instant, and I have only my mind's eye in which to keep a mean copy of the glorious original."
preview | full record— Gee, Sophie
Date: 2007
"She had a mind like a mongoose but she was not, in the end, a worldly woman."
preview | full record— Díaz, Junot (b. 1968)
Date: 2008
"Open our skulls, look in with a penlight, and you'll find an odd museum of ideas."
preview | full record— Adiga, Aravind (b. 1974)
Date: 2008
"Open our skulls, look in with a penlight, and you'll find an odd museum of ideas: sentences of history or mathematics remembered from school textbooks (no boy remembers his schooling like one who was taken out of school, let me assure you), sentences about politics read in a newspaper while wait...
preview | full record— Adiga, Aravind (b. 1974)
Date: 2008
"Mr. Ashok's face reappears now in my mind's eye as it used to every day when I was in his service--reflected in my rearview mirror."
preview | full record— Adiga, Aravind (b. 1974)
Date: 2009
"He steered his thoughts away from the subject of sex, his brain as nimble as an aircraft carrier."
preview | full record— Nicholls, David (b. 1966)