Date: 1975
"But at a certain age, the age at which promotions and Chairs begin to occupy a man's thoughts, he may look back with wistful nostalgia to the day's when his wits ran fresh and clear, directed to a single, positive goal."
preview | full record— Lodge, David (b. 1935)
Date: 1975
"In the preceding months he had prepared himself with meticulous care, filling his mind with distilled knowledge, drop by drop, until, on the eve of the first paper (Old English Set Texts) it was almost brimming over."
preview | full record— Lodge, David (b. 1935)
Date: 1975
"Each morning for the next ten days he bore his precious vessel to the examination halls and poured a measured quantity of the contents on to the pages of ruled quarto. Day by day the level fell, until on the tenth day the vessel was empty, the cup was drained, the cupboard was bare"
preview | full record— Lodge, David (b. 1935)
Date: 1975
"In the years that followed he set about replenishing his mind, but it was never quite the same. The sense of purpose was lacking--there was no great Reckoning against which he could hoard his knowledge, so that it tended to leak away as fast as he acquired it."
preview | full record— Lodge, David (b. 1935)
Date: 1975
"His soul, like his stomach, was in turmoil."
preview | full record— Lodge, David (b. 1935)
Date: 1980
"What is thought after all, what is dreaming, but swim and flow, and the images they seem to animate?"
preview | full record— Robinson, Marilynne (b. 1943)
Date: 1980
"And here we find our greatest affinity with water, for like reflections on water our thoughts will suffer no changing shock, no permanent displacement."
preview | full record— Robinson, Marilynne (b. 1943)
Date: 1984
"Case felt as though his brain were jammed."
preview | full record— Gibson, William (b. 1948)
Date: 1984
"Lines of light ranged in the non-space of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding."
preview | full record— Gibson, William (b. 1948)
Date: 1984
"In his mind's eye, a kind of time-lapse photography took place, revealing the thing as the biological equivalent of a machine gun, hideous in its perfection."
preview | full record— Gibson, William (b. 1948)