Date: 1963
"After that--in spite of the Girl Scouts and the piano lessons and the water-color lessons and the dancing lessons and the sailing camp, all of which my mother scrimped to give me, and college, with crewing in the mist before breakfast and blackbottom pies and the little new firecrackers of ideas...
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1963
"The thought that I might kill myself formed in my mind coolly as a tree or a flower."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1963
"Words dimly familiar but twisted all awry, like faces in a funhouse mirror, fled past, leaving no impression on the glassy surface of my brain."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1963
"Every time I tried to concentrate, my mind glided off, like a skater, into a large empty space, and piroutted there, absently."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1963
"I stored the fact that there were real glasses in the corner of my mind the way a squirrel stores a nut."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1963
"And she set something on my tongue and in panic I bit down, and darkness wiped me out like chalk on a blackboard."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1963
"I tried to think what I had loved knives for, but my mind slipped from the noose of the thought and swung, like a bird, in the center of empty air."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)
Date: 1970
"God, what a muck-heap my mind is, thought Tallis."
preview | full record— Murdoch, Iris (191-1999)
Date: 1970
"Words came without volition, sinking very slowly through his mind like pebbles."
preview | full record— Murdoch, Iris (191-1999)
Date: 1971
"Everything spun around him; then his mind blanked, like a TV suddenly switched off."
preview | full record— Jerzy N. Kosinski (1933-1991)