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Date: April 1955

"The something gloom Of my soul's deep and dreary catacomb."

— Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963)

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Date: April 1955

"'The something gloom,' she declaimed triumphantly, 'Of my soul's irremediable tomb.'"

— Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963)

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Date: 1962

"And let me add here how much I was honored a fortnight later to meet in Washington that limp-looking, absent-minded, shabbily dressed splendid American gentleman whose mind was a library and not a debating hall."

— Nabokov, Vladimir (1899-1977)

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Date: 1962

"Sandy screwed her eyes even smaller in the effort of seeing with her mind."

— Spark, Muriel (1918-2006)

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Date: 1962

"By the end of the year it happened that she had quite lost interest in the man himself, but was deeply absorbed in his mind, from which she extracted, among other things, his religion as a pith from a husk."

— Spark, Muriel (1918-2006)

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Date: 1962

"Her mind was as full of religion as a night sky is full of things visible and invisible. She left the man and took his religion and became a nun in the course of time."

— Spark, Muriel (1918-2006)

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Date: 1962

"I find it wise in such cases as this to eliminate the bother of back-and-forth leafings by either cutting out and clipping together the pages with the text of the thing, or, even more simply, purchasing two copies of the same work which can then be placed in adjacent positions on a comfortable t...

— Nabokov, Vladimir (1899-1977)

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Date: 1963

"What I didn't say was that each time I picked up a German dictionary or a German book, the very sight of those dense, black, barbed-wire letters made my mind shut like a clam."

— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)

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Date: 1963

"Then he started talking about let a equal acceleration and let t equal time and suddenly he was scribbling letters and numbers and equals signs all over the blackboard and my mind went dead."

— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)

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Date: 1963

"At about this point I began to feel peculiar. I looked round me at all the rows of rapt little heads with the same silver glow on them at the front and the same black shadow on them at the back, and they looked like nothing more or less than a lot of stupid moonbrains."

— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.