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Date: 1791, 1794

"For Charlotte, the soul melts with sympathy; for La Rue, it feels nothing but horror and contempt."

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791, 1794

"Pardon me, ye dear spirits of benevolence, whose benign smiles and chearful-giving hand have strewed sweet flowers on many a thorny path through which my way-ward fate forced me to pass; think not, that, in condemning the unfeeling texture of the human heart, I forget the spring from whence flow...

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791, 1794

"A gleam of joy breaks in on my benighted soul while I reflect that you cannot, will not refuse your protection to the heart-broken."

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791, 1794

"[I]t cannot therefore be supposed that he wished Mrs. Crayton to be very liberal in her bounty to the afflicted suppliant; yet vice had not so entirely seared over his heart, but the sorrows of Charlotte could find a vulnerable part."

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791, 1794

"Such were the dreadful images that haunted her distracted mind, and nature was sinking fast under the dreadful malady which medicine had no power to remove."

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791, 1794

"'Oh,' said Charlotte, 'you are very good to weep thus for me: it is a long time since I shed a tear for myself: my head and heart are both on fire, but these tears of your's seem to cool and refresh it.'"

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791, 1794

"'I cannot believe it possible,' said Montraville, 'that a mind once so pure as Charlotte Temple's, should so suddenly become the mansion of vice."

— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)

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Date: 1791

"As these reflections passed over his mind in tumultuous rapidity, a noise was again heard in the passage, an uproar and scuffle ensued, and in the same moment he could distinguish the voice of his servant, who had been sent by Madame La Motte in search of him."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1791

"Madame forbore for the present to ask any questions that might lead to a discovery of her connections, or seem to require an explanation of the late adventure, which now furnishing her with a new subject of reflection, the sense of her own misfortunes pressed less heavily upon her mind."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1791

"'Long suffering,' said La Motte, 'has subdued in our minds that elastic energy, which repels the pressure of evil, and dances to the bound of joy.'"

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.