Date: 1790
"Such services, when weighed in the scale of reason, may prove rigorously just, but, in the balance of love, they will be found wanting. The head may understand the general theory of kindness, but the heart only can practise the detail; as the sculptor can give to marble an expression of human fe...
preview | full record— Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)
Date: 1790
"Alas! when an impassioned mind, wounded by indifference, attempts recrimination, it is like a naked and bleeding Indian attacking a man arrayed in complete armour, whose fortified bosom no stroke can penetrate, while every blow which indignant anguish rashly aims, recoils on the unguarded heart."
preview | full record— Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)
Date: 1790
"Let those who possess the talents, or the virtues, by which he was distinguished, avoid similar wretchedness, by guarding their minds against the influence of passion; since, if it be once suffered to acquire an undue ascendency over reason, we shall in vain attempt to controul its power: we mig...
preview | full record— Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)
Date: 1790
"In vain we may lament the loss of our tranquillity; for peace, like the wandering dove, has forsaken its habitation in the bosom, and will return no more."
preview | full record— Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)
Date: 1791
"Fancy paints with hues unreal,/ Smile of bliss, and sorrow's mood."
preview | full record— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)
Date: 1791, 1794
"But Charlotte had made too great an impression on his mind to be easily eradicated."
preview | full record— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)
Date: 1791, 1794
"When fancy paints to me the good old man stooping to raise the weeping penitent, while every tear from her eye is numbered by drops from his bleeding heart, my bosom glows with honest indignation, and I wish for power to extirpate those monsters of seduction from the earth."
preview | full record— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)
Date: 1791, 1794
"Almost a week was now gone, and Charlotte continued every evening to meet Montraville, and in her heart every meeting was resolved to be the last; but alas! when Montraville at parting would earnestly intreat one more interview, that treacherous heart betrayed her; and, forgetful of its resoluti...
preview | full record— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)
Date: 1791, 1794
"I foolishly thought, some few years since, that every sense of joy was buried in the graves of my dear partner and my son; but my Lucy, by her filial affection, soothed my soul to peace, and this dear Charlotte has twined herself round my heart, and opened such new scenes of delight to my view, ...
preview | full record— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)
Date: 1791, 1794
"I will wear a smile on my face, though the thorn rankles in my heart."
preview | full record— Rowson, Susanna (1762-1828)