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Date: 1777

"[H]er spirits droop more than her body; she is thoughtful and melancholy when she thinks she is not observed, and, what pleases me worse, affects to appear otherwise, when she is"

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

Attempts at gaiety may look like "a conquest over the natural pensiveness of [the] mind"

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"His youth has been enlightened by letters, and informed by travel; but what is still more valuable, his mind has been early impressed with the principles of manly virtue."

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"[T]here is, methinks, a languor in your last letter--or is it but the livery of my own imagination, which the objects around me are constrained to wear?"

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"He appeared to feel in his situation that dependence I mentioned; in mean souls, this produces servility; in liberal minds, it is the nurse of honourable pride."

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"She passed the night without rest; the ideas of coaches, coronets, titles, filled her mind, and effectually murdered sleep."

— Brooke [née Moore], Frances (bap. 1724, d. 1789)

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Date: 1777

"Col. Dormer, though he knew the human heart, had never yet thought of taking his nieces in more active scenes of life: he had fallen into the common mistake of people past the meridian of their days, who, feeling tranquillity their greatest good, do not sufficiently reflect that it is insipid at...

— Brooke [née Moore], Frances (bap. 1724, d. 1789)

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Date: 1777

"She saw something like just drawing in the dark shades of his pencil, though the lines seemed a good deal exaggerated: she reflected, she doubted; but, after settling a balance in her mind, the found her own scale preponderate."

— Brooke [née Moore], Frances (bap. 1724, d. 1789)

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Date: 1777

"The eyes were the index of the mind--his had said--Good heavens! what had they not said?"

— Brooke [née Moore], Frances (bap. 1724, d. 1789)

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Date: 1777

"Her mind, not less pure and unsullied, was obvious and transparent as the dear rivulet in the sequestered vale."

— Brooke [née Moore], Frances (bap. 1724, d. 1789)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.