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Date: February 26, 2019

"But the real magic is witnessing her mind and imagination at work. They are as fertile and supple as jazz."

— McBride, James (b. September 11, 1957)

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Date: August 2, 2019

"[Inner speech] is not quite the way we'd talk to those around us, though, with its cropped syntax and a 'note-form' shorthand that represents your familiarity with your own thoughts."

— Horowitz, Alexandra

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Date: August 19, 2019

"The reputation of the once exalted, still unshakably canonical, Impressionist has fallen on difficult days. Never mind the affront to latter-day educated tastes of a painting style so sugary that it imperils your mind's incisors; there's a more burning issue."

— Schjedahl, Peter (b. March 20, 1942)

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Date: September 2; September 6, 2019

"I began to recoil from guitar riffs in favor of guitarscapes, from twangs in favor of horns, from back beat in favor of space, and, in large part, from the effluent of my own mind and problems, in favor of trying to interpret the poetry of others."

— Pop, Iggy [James Newell Osterberg, Jr.] (b. April 21, 1947)

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Date: September 30, 2019

"In five minutes, the app had sandblasted my cognitive matter with twenty TikToks that had the legibility and logic of a narcoleptic dream."

— Tolentino, Jia (b. 1988)

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Date: October 2, 2019

"In the ravings of Trump's Ukrainian call, we saw undeniable proof that Infowars has invaded the president's brain."

— Manjoo, Farhad (b. August 19, 1978)

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Date: October 7, 2019

"I think that people who perceive our humor as a blow in their direction must have an Iron Curtain in their brains higher than the one from the Soviet Union!"

— Zelensky, Volodymyr (b. January 25, 1978)

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Date: November 14, 2019

"If you're just well enough to drag yourself to your place of employment (your thoughts still a sound cloud of distress, but the volume on low), or if your depression takes the form more of an itchy sweater than a leaden dentist's apron (which is to say, anxiety), you are forever and always perfo...

— Senior, Jennifer

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Date: December, 2019

"He was never really in the same lane as them. He was always this guy walking in a green pasture. They were on a highway in Los Angeles or Seattle, and he was in a green pasture in his mind."

— Williams, Pharrell (b. April 5, 1973)

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Date: January 29, 2020

"I would argue that his [Donald Trump's] mind, while a lot of things, including a landfill for the rancid refuse of pure appetite, is not exactly intricate."

— Pierce, Charles P. (b. 1953)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.