Date: 1776
"In short, he ranges, with curious attention, through the wide regions of truth; noting the different steps, that lead to it, by converging lines, and carefully distinguishing the false lights of fancy or passion from the cooler investigations of the reasoning faculties."
preview | full record— Berington, Joseph (1743-1827)
Date: 1776
"If you really then think that, every process, termed mental, in man, is in fact nothing more than so many distinct nervous vibrations, then I readily grant that matter may think, for undoubtedly every stretched cord, when touched, will vibrate; and I will farther grant, that a fiddle, in that se...
preview | full record— Berington, Joseph (1743-1827)
Date: 1777, 1778
"The mind of youth is a kind of tabula rasa;--at first unstained with guilt, and unadorned with virtue."
preview | full record— Rack, Edmund (1735-1787)
Date: 1777, 1778
"May the fair page never be polluted!--may it become inscribed with every excellent virtue--and be thereby rendered comely in the sight of Men, of Angels, of the Deity!"
preview | full record— Rack, Edmund (1735-1787)
Date: 1781
"How solidly he establishes, in Opposition to the celebrated Mr. Locke, the Doctrine of Innate Ideas; or that the Soul of Man, is not in its first created State, a mere Rasa Tabula, or blank Paper, but full of divine Sensations, and the Powers, Riches and Glories of Eternity; all treasured up and...
preview | full record— Anonymous; [L--]
Date: 1796
"The eye of the mind is dazzled and vanquished."
preview | full record— Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Date: 1796
"An ancient writer, Plutarch, I think it is, quotes some verses on the eloquence of Pericles, who is called "the only orator that left stings in the minds of his hearers." Like his, the eloquence of the declaration, not contradicting, but enforcing sentiments of the truest humanity, has left stin...
preview | full record— Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Date: 1796
"Cold as ice themselves, they never could kindle in our breasts a spark of that zeal, which is necessary to a conflict with an adverse zeal; much less were they made to infuse into our minds that stubborn persevering spirit, which alone is capable of bearing up against those vicissitudes of fortu...
preview | full record— Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Date: 1796
"It has nothing that can keep the mind erect under the gusts of adversity."
preview | full record— Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Date: 1796
"It was expected that he would have re-asserted the justice of his cause; that he would have re-animated whatever remained to him of his allies, and endeavoured to recover those whom their fears had led astray; that he would have re-kindled the martial ardour of his citizens; that he would have h...
preview | full record— Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)