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Date: 1755

"'Tis certain, nothing but my Mother's excessive Fondness could have blinded her Reason, to give in to my unpresidented, ridiculous Follies; as she was, in all other Points, a Woman of real good Sense."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"But where the Heart is PARTIALLY ENGAGED, we have frequent Instances of its clouding the Understanding, and MAKING DUPES OF THE WISEST."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"For I don't remember any Impression left on my Mind by this Accident after my Mother's Recovery, and the Assurance I had of the Boy's being living and well."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"Nor can I answer for the strange Effect a contrary Report might have wrought, on a Mind so giddily loaded with conceited Transport."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"Now I am speaking of her, I must not omit the Mention of Mr. Joseph Marples, her second Husband, the faithful Partner of her Sorrows; who is worthy the Consideration of every human Heart, as he tenderly endeavours to soften all her Distresses, which doubly preys on his Mind, from Want of Power t...

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"I was in Hope the Birth of my little Girl might have made some Impression on his Mind, but 'twas the same Thing after as before it; nor did he make the least Provision for either of us, when he went Abroad."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"'Tis, I own, natural and necessary to apologize for disgressing from a Subject; but, I hope, when the Reader considers the Merit of the Person who occasion'd it, I may, in the Eye of Reason and Judgment, stand excused."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"She farther added, I was the first Person who had ever made that Impression on her Mind."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"THE SHOCK OF RECEIVING MY OWN LETTER did not excite a sudden Gust of unwarrantable Passion, but prey'd upon my Heart with the slow and eating Fire of Distraction and Despair, 'till it ended in a Fever, which now remains upon my Spirits; and which, I fear, I shall find a difficult Task to overcome."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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Date: 1755

"But this, I fear, will prove the heaviest and bitterest Corrosive to my Mind; and the more I reflect on it, find myself less able to support such an Unkindness from that Hand, which, I thought, would have administer'd the gentle Balm of Pity."

— Charke [née Cibber; other married name Sacheverell], Charlotte [alias Mr Brown] (1713-1760)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.