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Date: Saturday, Aug. 3, 1754; 1756

"It is justly remarked by Horace, that what is conveyed to our Notice through our Ears, acts with a more feeble Impulse upon the Mind, than Objects that pass through the Organs of Sight, those faithful Evidences in a mental Court of Judicature."

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: Saturday, Aug. 3, 1754; 1756

"When I mention Figures, I must observe, that Men of critical Knowledge have justly distinguished between Figures of Speech, and Figures of the Sentiment; the former including Metaphor and all Translations of Phrases, and the latter consisting of such Breaks and Transitions in Discourse, as the M...

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: Saturday, Aug. 3, 1754; 1756

"As for Instance, when the Poet says of Dido, that she is devoured by an inward Flame."

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: Saturday, Aug. 3, 1754; 1756

"The use of these kind of Figures in Tragedy should be as free and bold as possible, and with Respect to Expression, no other Regard is to be paid to it, than to chuse such Words as may be most significantly picturesque, in order to have the more lively Effect on the Imagination, the Passions bei...

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: 1754

"I may with the same Naïvité remove the Veil from my mental as well as personal Imperfections; and expose them naked to the World."

— Hay, William (1695-1755)

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Date: 1754

"Maecenas would laugh at any Irregularity in Horace's Dress, but not at any Caprice in his Behaviour, because it was common and fashionable: so a Man's Person, which is the Dress of his Soul, only is ridiculed, while the vicious Qualities of it escape."

— Hay, William (1695-1755)

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Date: 1754

"'Orandum est', let us pray, says Juvenal, 'ut sit mens sana in corpore sano', for a sound Mind in a healthy Body; and every deformed Person should add this Petition, 'ut sit mens recta in corpore curvo', for an upright Mind in a crooked one."

— Hay, William (1695-1755)

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Date: 1754

"A deformed Person will naturally consider, where his Strength and his Foible lie; and as he is well acquainted with the last, he will easily find out the first; and must know, that (if it is any where) it is not, like Sampson's, in the Hair; but must be in the Lining of the Head."

— Hay, William (1695-1755)

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Date: 1754

"If I cannot, draw out Cacus from his Den; I may pluck the Villain from my own Breast. I cannot cleanse the Stables of Augeas; but I may cleanse my own Heart from Filth and Impurity: I may demolish the Hydra of Vices within me; and should be careful too, that while I lop off ...

— Hay, William (1695-1755)

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Date: 1754

"Few Persons have a House entirely to their Mind; or the Apartment in it disposed as they could wish. And there is no deformed Person, who does not wish, that his Soul had a better Habitation: which is sometimes not lodged according to its Quality."

— Hay, William (1695-1755)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.